Многопоточный сервер на C# за 15 минут / Хабрахабр


28 май 2011 ... C# довольно простой и гибкий язык. Вместе с .NET поставляется довольно много уже готовых классов, что делает его еще проще. Настолько, что вполне можно написать простой многопоточный HTTP-сервер для отдачи статического содержимого всего за 15 минут. Можно было бы ...

SHOW LED studio - YouTube


SHOW LED studio. 3 months ago; 632 views. Поставка видео-пола на заказ! Шаг пикселя - 3мм, 4мм, 6мм. Также мы занимаемся разработкой управления для любых светодиодных систем, в том числе особо сложного, также входит задачи нашей компани... SHOW LED studio uploaded a video 1 year ago. 0:59.

XMLHTTPRequest: описание, применение, частые проблемы


Здесь Вы найдете полное описание объекта XMLHTTPRequest, способы использования, форматы данных и разбор частых проблем. Илья Кантор (c) 2007. Полезного чтения. P.S Вопросы можно задавать на форуме http://forum .client-side.ru. Использование XMLHTTPRequest; Методы объекта ...

Comparative and Superlative Adjectives - Basic English Grammar


Comparative adjectives compare two things. Superlative adjectives compare more than two things. Commonly, adjectives that contain only one syllable or end in 'y' use 'er' to form comparatives and 'est' to form superlatives. For adjectives ending in y, change the 'y' to 'i' before adding the 'er' or 'est'. old – older – oldest ...

Как работает простой цикл while в примере c telegram api ...


int update_id = 0; string messageFromId = ""; string messageText = ""; string token = "540661148"; WebClient webclient = new WebClient(); string startUrl = $" https://api.telegram.org/bot{token}"; while(true) { string url = $"{startUrl}/ getUpdates?offset={update_id + 1}"; string response = webclient.

Download Games for Windows Software Setup 3.5 - Русский from ...


4 май 2011 ... Консоль и контроллер Xbox One S. Xbox One S. Игры и развлечения без границ в формате 4K Ultra HD. КУПИТЬ СЕЙЧАС. Games for Windows Software Setup 3.5 - Русский. Важно! Если выбрать язык ниже, содержимое страницы динамически отобразится на выбранном языке. Выберите ...

Upload Files from Android to a Website/Http Server using Post


30 май 2012 ... I am also working on android application that will upload the image from android client to MS SQL Server using asp.net c# web service. Can anyone share sample the code for uploading the image. Waiting for your reply. Please reply me as soon as possible. Your truly, Thanks and regards. Hasnain Ahmad.

Sidney Crosby's Girlfriend


Discussion forum for Sidney Crosby's girlfriend. Does Sidney Crosby (Pittsburgh Penguins, NHL) have a girlfriend? Is he dating someone? Is he married? Single? Divorced? Would you date him? Did you date him? Who is his wife? His fiance? A forum for WAGs, spouses, puckbunnies, cleat chasers, ...



Отличительной чертой курса является регу- лярный урок дополнительного чтения, построенный на межпредметной основе. (Extensive Reading. Across the Curriculum; в учеб- нике для 9 класса в модулях 1, 3, 5, 7). Отражение в уроках межпредметных связей в значительной мере обеспечивает мотивацию.

Пишем бота telegram на C


18 мар 2017 ... Bot.Types.ReplyMarkups.ReplyKeyboardMarkup { Keyboard = new[] { new[] // row 1 { new Telegram.Bot.Types.KeyboardButton("Накатим!"), new Telegram.Bot .Types.KeyboardButton("Рря!") }, }, ResizeKeyboard = true }; await Bot. SendTextMessageAsync(message.Chat.Id, "Давай накатим, товарищ, мой!

chat application in asp.net using c' and sleep(3) and '1


Chatting application using asp.net and sql server and c#. AspNet.SignalR; namespace SignalRChat { public class ChatHub : Hub { public void. Understand Socket Programming in Java; Write simple Client-Server.

Chat Application in ASP.NET Using AJAX (Pop-up Windows)


Simple Chat application using AJAX. Build an Autonomous Mobile Robot with the Intel® RealSense™ Camera, ROS, and SAWR.

Simple Chat Application in ASP.NET


Today we see a chat aplication using ASP.Net; it's very simple but useful for our application.

Basic Chat Using ASP .NET AJAX | Coding4Fun Articles | Channel 9


The AJAX Chat Sample shows how to build a browser based chat using ASP .NET and AJAX. ASP.NET AJAX is the easiest and most enjoyable way to start writing asynchronous Web applications using ASP.NET.

How to C# Socket Programming using Visual Studio.Net: Real time...


Real time chat application on Web in ASP.Net using SignalR technology : Introduction. I shall start posting code and description about how to create web chat application in asp.net using .Net's latest technology SignalR step by step.

Writing an ASP.NET Application – Translator


Writing an ASP.NET Application. In the first part of this series you saw how to sign up for Microsoft Translator in the Windows Azure Marketplace, and how to get your ClientID and Client Secret. In this article, you'll see how to make use of those to create a simple...

Creating a Chat Application Using React and ASP.NET Core - Part 1


In this blog series, I'm going to create a small chat application using React and ASP.NET Core, to learn more about React and to learn how React behaves in an ASP.NET Core project during development and deployment.

Creating a chat application in ASP.NET with SignalR


There are many things we can do with SignalR. It’s never been this easier to build real time web applications. In this post, I’m going to show how to build a chat application and add some additional functionality to it.

Build an anonymous chat app using ASP.NET


Create a realtime public anonymous group chat app using C#, ASP.NET and Pusher.

ASP.NET Using C#


Introduction to ASP.NET Web Forms Architecture ASP.NET and HTTP Web Applications Using Visual Studio State Management and Web Applications Server Controls Caching in ASP.NET ASP.NET Configuration and Security Fundamentals Debugging...

Поиск реализован с помощью YandexXML и Google Custom Search API